The highlight of my day, a bumper sticker.


It obviously doesn’t take much for me to get distracted. I was driving through Edmond traffic today and I somehow ended up behind a car with a RISD sticker. I’m a RISD grad. I thought I might be the only one in the state. The sticker actually phonetically spelled out the acronym for the Rhode Island School of Design. It was spelled Riz – de (apparently an artsy marketing interpretation)

I decide I must meet this RISD affiliated person. We can bond over what in my opinion is the best art school in the country (actually not just my opinion…

After bending two well-meaning traffic laws, I followed the marked vehicle into the Fox Lake neighborhood. With the paparazzi determination, I accosted the driver as they exited their vehicle. It turns out the driver is a parent of a current furniture design student. We briefly bonded over New England, the astronomical cost of tuition, nearby Brown University and upcoming parent’s weekend – and then we parted.

I have lived in Oklahoma for nearly a decade and have never the pleasure of meeting anyone with a RISD connection. I think its time I get a bumper sticker. Maybe there are more of us.

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