I’m a Start-up. Where Do I Start?

Business Start-up Stages Health & Fitness logo

I must receive around ten calls a month from people with creative ideas for start-up businesses. These entrepreneurs have identified a need, know how to satisfy it, and now they need get their idea out there.

Sometimes all they need is an e-commerce driven website with custom programming. Sometimes, what they need is more comprehensive, like a full suite of supporting marketing materials – logo, brochures, and a simple, but professional, website.

This is where our project managers, designers, web programmers, and CSS developers come in. Together we can formulate a plan to make your start-up venture a success.

Business Start Up Design Process

But before we start your project, we’ll ask questions like:

  • What are you selling?
    Is it a product? Is it a service? Is it a bit of both?

  • Who are you selling it to?
    Are they young or old? Are they rich or poor? Are they educated?

  • How do you want to sell it?
    In person? By phone? On the web? Or a mixture?

  • What is the goal of the business?
    Is it to sell the product/service? Is it to be the best in what you do?

Knowing the answers to these questions will help us help you put together your marketing materials right, the first time. Information collected will help determine and support your core messages, call-to-action(s), color scheme, layout design and content.

After your designs are developed and revised, we can begin to focus on content. The marketing content that’s placed on your website not only needs to be ‘market focused’ – it also needs to be organized so web users can scan core product and service information quickly.

A New Business Project Example

Business Start-up Stages Health & Fitness website

Stages Health and Fitness recently launched their company. This new business offers expecting mothers a resource for wellness and exercise.

This business start up did their homework. To confirm the potential market for this type of service, Stages conducted surveys of mothers-to-be in the Oklahoma City area. In addition to ‘potential need’ surveys, Stages researched the greater OKC region for potential competition.

What we did for Stages

  • Created a clean design that communicated their core marketing messages.
  • Helped organize their content that effectively communicated the benefits of wellness and exercise during pregnancy.
  • Developed a custom programmed ‘Scheduling Module’ specific to their business needs. This custom designed module manages the fitness schedules for their
    prenatal, postnatal, and pre-pregnancy clientele.

Marketing Beyond the Website

For many start-up ventures having a website is not enough. Especially when the client’s challenge is to educate potential customers about a new business service or concept.

Many of our clients that start new businesses have us develop additional marketing materials. Some typical marketing material projects include:

  • Print marketing materials
    Business cards, postcards, brochures, and more

  • A mobile website
    So people can access your site, no matter where they are

  • Search engine optimization
    So people can find you on the web by searching for their need

  • Newsletter templates
    We even offer a Constant Contact sign-up module for your website

At Back40, we’re a group of marketing thinkers and doers. We have the experience of planning, launching and supporting start-up businesses. We’ve been doing so for over a decade. If you have any questions or ideas, we would like to set up a time for a free consultation.

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